Sunday 29 January 2012

Stuffing Myself for Lunch at Thulp

It has been a while since my last post and various reasons including travel contributed to the same. But that still did not stop me from going out and discovering more new places to hog. Last Sunday we set off to a new place in Koramangala, Bangalore called Thulp. I was reassured by my wife that food there was good and extremely filling.. yay.. good for me, I thought. Though I did give her a word of caution, I was starving and if I don't get my fill, I get very grumpy.
As we approached the place (quick pointers - its close to the Maharaja signal in Koramangala 1st block, if you are coming from Sony World Junction, take a left at the signal before Maharaja's), I noticed that it was a typical cafe on Bangalore streets. A single room, adjoining kitchen decorated with alternate and post modern knick-knacks. Quaint, tucked away in a corner - just the way I like it. What shocked me was the crowd- it was a positively bustling place with folks pouring through the doors. That, too me always says a lot about the place. One of the waiters informed us of a 15 minute wait which we used judiciously in scanning their menu and deciding what to try. You could see all sorts of people there - from the typical teenager, to the middle aged professionals with their families and of course the old-timers / regulars. The menu was simple but had a lot of options - burgers, steaks, sandwiches, pasta etc. For starters, we quickly ordered traditional favorites - garlic cheesy fries and buffalo wings.Two yogurt smoothies to accompany them - strawberry shortcake and banana with peanut butter, peanut brittle.

First the fries - they were good, crispy and thick. There was a balance to the seasoning and salt but the clincher was the over-dosage of molten cheese that swept across the plate completely covering the fries... yummy. The garlic were solid slivers and burnt to provide that exquisite taste which did not overpower the fries but complemented it perfectly. The buffalo wings were perfection - finger lickin' good if I may say so. Having stayed for a few years myself in upstate NY especially in and around Buffalo, NY I can safely say I have tasted enough of the original authentic Buffalo sauce meant for the chicken wings. It has to be tangy, fiery and sweet - all rolled into a dish where the wings should be positively dripping with the sauce giving you no option but to lick your fingers.All that and more - check. The cream provided along with this dish serves as a natural balance to the explosiveness of the dish and it was fresh. The smoothies were fresh and delightful - fresh with the saltiness and tanginess of yogurt and the fruit flavoring which did not overpower the entire drink.
With the starters being a major hit, we moved on to the main course - a tender grilled chicken fillet burger with bacon and cheese called the 'Impostor' and a grilled 2-egg omelette sandwich with cheese, grilled onions, tomatoes and pickled chillies called the Gonzo's Anda Pav.

The burger of course comes with fries and it was massive. Folks, the picture does not tell the true story. It was a huge burger and it rocked. The chicken fillet was done to perfection and I had asked for crispy bacon - which they delivered but the slices were a tad thick (probably the only flaw I could find apart from the flimsy bun material). Most people discount the bun when they talk about the burger - if it does not hold up it becomes messy to eat with half the bread breaking away and becomes a big distraction. The bun here was thankfully not that bad but definitely on the flimsy side.Everything else about the burger was A-Grade. I was stuffed by the time I finished half of that monster. The Anda Pav on the other hand compared to the burger was a dainty little creature but in all fairness a meal by itself. The bread was fresh and baked well. the eggs were perfect and an overdose of grilled onions, tomatoes and pickled chillies made it a perfect meal for folks who want an alternate to THULP :-) Well balanced and seasoned not in excess, it was light yet filling. I must say, in all this, we used up the entire bottle of mustard and mayo sauces kept at our table which only added to the brilliant flavor (point - mayo not close to Indianas but close enough).
This concluded our meal since we had no place in our stomachs for dessert. I did take a quick look but the choice and varieties were not many... so, no harm no foul done.
All in All the final verdict - a resounding YES... bags of flavor, fantastic concoctions, massive portions and moderate on the wallet. What's not to like ? If you like fast food and continental food, DO VISIT Cafe Thulp...

Location: 998, 1st main, 1st block, Koramangala, Bangalore
Phone: 40933344, 40933355
Cost factor: Moderate (the above meal cost around 800 Rs. only)

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